The market is split into sections. The search option is at the top. You can only filter search results by vendor name, level, price, category, type and shipping after you have entered a search term and seen the results. You can also sort by price, newest, popularity and most sold. The main page also has a list of categories, which include the following (and are further divided into subcategories):
Fraud (Bank Drops & Logs, CVV & Cards, Dumps, PayPal, Personal Information, Scans & Documents, Carding Services, Travel & Vacations Fraud, Other Fraud)
Drugs (Benzos, Cannabis & Hash, Dissociatives, Ecstasy, Opioids, Prescription, Steroids, Stimulants, Other Drugs, Paraphernalia, Psychedelics)
Digital Goods (Accounts, E-Books, Software & Malware, VPN Socks & RDP, Coupon Codes & E-gifts, Other Digital Goods)
Guides & Tutorials (Drug Guides, Fraud Related Guides, Hacking Tutorials, Security & Anonymity Guides, Social Engineering, Other Tutorials)
Miscellaneous (Counterfeit Items, Counterfeit Money, Fake IDs, Services, Self Defense, Other)
Stimulants is the most popular subcategory with 3,058 listings. Cannabis and hashish comes next with 2,517 listings. MGM Grand is a drugs market with lots of listings for fake money, accounts, credit cards and guides. Use the filters and sorting options to narrow down the listings to those you're interested in. The market has close to 16,000 listings.
The main page has a section called Featured Products. These are paid advertisements. Below this is a section called "Trending Now". These are pictures of items that lots of users have clicked on, but not bought. Next is a section called "Top Vendors", which are the most successful vendors. This is a good way to find a reliable vendor, but you'll have to check they sell what you want and deliver to you.
Clicking on a listing takes you to the product page, which shows the item's details, such as the vendor, rating, quantity, shipping info, description, reviews, and policies. You can also see how many are in stock and how many times it has been bought.
You can also contact the vendor and view the vendor's store. Read reviews and check shipping options before ordering.
Clicking on a vendor's name takes you to their page on the market, which contains important information about that vendor. Next to the vendor name is the number of page views, level (1-9), orders, ratings, and a breakdown of disputes. You can also see when the vendor joined the market and when they were last online.
The vendor's welcome message and open listings are below the information box. The listings are followed by a breakdown of feedback in three areas: Quality, communication and shipping. Next to this is a count of reviews. The vendor's shipping and refund policy is below, followed by their PGP key. Read this before ordering from a new vendor. This will help you know what to expect when placing an order.